
DbVisualizer 10.0 Users Guide
2 Getting Started
DbVisualizer is a feature rich, intuitive mult-database tool for developers and database administrators, providinga single powerful interface across a wide variety of operating systems. With its easy-to-use and clean interface.DbVisualizer has proven to be one of the most cost effective database tools available, yet to mention that it runson all major operating systems and supports all major RDBMS that are available. Users only need to learn andmaster one application. DbVisualizer integrates transparently with the operating system being used
The screenshots throughout the users guide are produced on Windows 7 using the Windows Look and Feel, butDbVisualizer lets you choose among other Look and Feels as well.
in addition to this Users Guide, the following online resources may be be useful:
1.The home of DbVisualizer (http:/www.dbvis.comv).
2 The FAQ (htto://confluence.dbvis.com/display/FAQ) which is regularly updated with frequently asked
questions and known problems3. The Databases and JDBC Drivers (http:/hwww.dbvis.com/doc'database-drivers/) online page. This page gives
information about supported databases and JDBC drivers,
4.The DbVisualizer forums (http:www.dbwis.com/forum/).

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